Recent Blogs
Health Care
What to Know About Colorectal Cancer
Estimated read time: 3 minutesLearn how to prevent colorectal cancer or catch it early before it can cause serious troubles. AdventHealth experts share information and insights.
Coronavirus Resources
Is It a Cold, the Flu, COVID-19 or Seasonal Allergies?
Estimated read time: 5 minutesTo help you tell the difference between these conditions, here’s a roundup of their most common symptoms.
Health Care
Should You Do a Breast Self-Exam?
Estimated read time: 2 minutesBreast self-exams are no longer considered to be an effective way to catch breast cancer early. But it’s always helpful to look for changes in your body.
Health Care
A Comprehensive Approach to Your Family's Health
Estimated read time: 3 minutesChief Medical Officer, Dr. Kenneth S. Nelson, explains why you should consider choosing a Family Medicine doctor for your PCP.
Health Care
UChicago Medicine AdventHealth Bolingbrook's Bariatric Care Empowers Transformation
Estimated read time: 3 minutesAntwuan embarked on a remarkable journey of transformation through bariatric surgery, guided by the care at UChicago Medicine AdventHealth Bolingbrook.